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9 Ways It Would Strengthen Democracy

Freedom to Vote Act: A Comprehensive Voting Rights Bill

9 Ways It Would Strengthen Democracy

The Freedom to Vote Act is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that aims to protect and expand voting rights in the United States. This transformative federal legislation addresses key aspects of the electoral process, including:

  • Voter registration and voting access
  • Election integrity and security
  • Redistricting and campaign finance

Congress recognizes the importance of safeguarding the right to vote, as enshrined in the Constitution. The Freedom to Vote Act seeks to strengthen democracy by addressing persistent challenges and ensuring that elections are fair, accessible, and secure.

Despite its significant implications, Congress fell short of passing the bill in 2022. However, it has been reintroduced in 2023 as S1 in the Senate and HR1 in the House of Representatives, demonstrating the ongoing efforts to protect and enhance voting rights.

Data For Progress

Data For Progress
